Thursday 22 October 2009

PGDay.EU 2009 - registration deadline extended

I'm pleased to announce that the registration deadline for PGDay.EU 2009 on November 6th & 7th in Paris has been extended to the 31st October, allowing attendees an extra eight days to benefit from the cheapest pricing. Attendees registering after the 31st October will be charged the 'on the door' price.

This is possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors:

For more information on the conference, including the talk schedule and registration and travel information, please visit the website at:

See you in Paris!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

PGDay.EU 2009 - approaching fast!

PGDay.EU 2009 is approaching fast - have you registered yet?

Europe's premier PostgreSQL conference organised by PostgreSQL Europe and PostgreSQLfr will be held on November 6th and 7th at ParisTech Telecom in Paris, France. With an outstanding lineup of talks over the two days of the event, with tracks in English and French, this is the must-attend PostgreSQL conference this year!

Speakers will include well known community members and developers such as Simon Riggs, Gavin M. Roy, Gabriele Bartolini, Dimitri Fontaine, Joshua Drake and Guillaume Lelarge speaking on a wide range of topics. The full schedule can be seen at

If you are planning on attending, please register as soon as possible at Early registration will help us ensure you get a T-Shirt and conference goodies!

Details of the venue and hotels in the local area can also be found on the conference website. If you have yet to book your accommodation, I would suggest doing so as soon as possible as Paris is quite busy at this time of year.

See you in Paris!