Monday 10 August 2009

StackBuilder application updates

Yikes, it's been a while since my last post. Well part of the reason for that is that I forgot to mention the last set of updates we published for StackBuilder at the end of last month. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, hot on the heels of those, we have some more updates, fresh from the QA folks here at EnterpriseDB, so here's the combined list of updated packages:

  • ApachePHP 2.2.11-5.2.9-2
  • Drupal 6.12-1
  • MediaWiki 1.15.0-1
  • phpBB 3.0.5-1
  • EnterpriseDB Tuning Wizard for PostgreSQL 1.3-1
  • EnterpriseDB MySQL -> PostgreSQL Migration Wizard 1.1-2
  • PostgreSQL JDBC drivers 8.4-701-1
  • PostgreSQL ODBC drivers (psqlODBC) 08.04.0100-1
  • PostgreSQL .NET drivers (Npgsql) 2.0.5-1
  • Slony for PostgreSQL 8.4.x 2.0.2-1
As always, enjoy :-)


  1. Any idea if StackBuilder will have plproxy at any stage?

  2. We don't currently have any plans for pl/proxy, but I should point out that anyone can publish apps through StackBuilder (as long as they're appropriate and meet some basic technical requirements), so someone else could also do it and submit it to me for inclusion. That's how the PostGIS for Windows build is done.
